August 22, 2010


Blog award in 2010, thank you who have given this award to my blog. Actually, this kind of thing I've got too. In essence, simply visit each blog to each other to get this award, which will be exchanging links. If lucky, can increase the amount of traffic and ranking blogs. Another is easier, blog-walking to sites of blogger who have a high ranking. then, leave comments on their site then automatically you have to put your blog link. This is how an internet marketer who taught it to me.

This methods also does not hurt, can recognize and exchange links with other fellow blogger. Below I put some links with blogger, who are obliged to visit. An article written is also very interesting to read, so for this award is to the blogger who have recently joined in order to become a true blogger ..:)

1. Mari Hidup Sehat Tanpa Celana Dalam (this is hilarious!)
2. Anak yang Dinanti (very cool!)
3. Tukang Colong (traffic ranking excellent)
4. The Lord of the site (more than anything, haha)
5. Life is More than Gray
6. Study to STAR
7. The blue Sely
8. The Pinky Boy (hilarious plus informative ..)
9. Petualang Nekadz
10. Gaphe (beyond common sense)

Maaf ye, klo ada salah penulisan kata dalam bahasa inggris. Maklum, baru belajar nulis bahasa Inggris. Klo gak dari sekarang kapan lagi..,klo ada yang lebih jago English language dikomentarin aje. Klo salah bilang aja ngawur..hehehe Jadi gw tahu, dimana letak salahnya..:)

Seperti yang udah gw tulis diatas, caranya sederhana aja. Lu bagi aja ini blog award ke para blogger, baik yang masih baru atau yang udah dedengkot, jangan lupa untuk masukin link diatas ditambah link pilihan lu sendiri.. Klo masih bingung, bikin aja macam Multi Level Marketing (klo MLM, udh pada hafal donk teknis bermainnya..hehehe)


Gaphe said...

asyik... saya dapet award! -goyang jempol-
disimpen dulu ah..

TUKANG CoLoNG said...

udah aku folback.:)
wah aku dapet nih..makasi ya,,aku angkut deh..:p

ReBorn said...

gw juga simpen dulu kali ye... temen gw belum banyak nih...
tengkyu meng...
eh, ada tugas noh dr gw.. ghehehe...
selamat menikmati ya.

Ambu Langit said...

uhuuy.. thx yeee

TUKANG CoLoNG said...

makasi awardnya. udah ku pajang di
maaf bila ada salah-salah kata. harap maklum apa adanya.:)